Website of Radio „Voice of Korea“



Stream Pyongyang-FM (KCBS)








The Evolution of Radio Pyongyang to the Voice of Korea

The history of a radio station that has not only withstood the test of time but has also undergone a fascinating transformation: That was the formerly known Station „Radio Pyongyang“. This broadcasting entity has evolved into the modern „Voice of Korea.“ As we delve into its history, we discover a journey marked by political influence, technological advancements, and a commitment for the narrative of a nation.

Origins of Radio Pyongyang:

Radio Pyongyang was officially inaugurated on March 1, 1947, in the aftermath of World War II, during the period of Korean independence from Japanese rule. As the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) was established in 1948, Radio Pyongyang became the voice of the newly formed nation. During its early years, the station played a crucial role in disseminating information to the Korean people and fostering a sense of unity.

The Cold War Era:

The Cold War era brought about significant geopolitical shifts, with the Korean Peninsula becoming a focal point of tension. Radio Pyongyang, during this period, served as a tool for political propaganda and ideological dissemination. The broadcasts were often marked by a strong anti-American and anti-South Korean sentiment, reflecting the broader ideological divide of the time.

Transformation into the Voice of Korea:

In 2002, Radio Pyongyang underwent a significant rebranding and emerged as the „Voice of Korea.“ This transformation was not merely cosmetic but also reflected changing political dynamics and a desire for a more diplomatic image on the international stage. The renaming was part of North Korea’s efforts to engage with the global community, signaling a shift from isolationism to a more open approach.

Content and Programming:

The Voice of Korea expanded its reach beyond domestic audiences to international listeners, employing a small mix of news, cultural programs, and music. While the broadcasts continued to carry the ideological undertones of the North Korean regime, there was a discernible effort to present a more nuanced and engaging image. The station adopted a multilingual approach, broadcasting in various languages, including English, German, Spanish, French, Arabic and Russian, to cater to a diverse global audience.

Technological Advancements:

Over the years, technological advancements played a crucial role in shaping the broadcasting landscape. The Voice of Korea embraced modern technologies to enhance its reach and improve the quality of its broadcasts. The station adapted to new shortwave transmitters, leverage a website and satellite broadcast to ensure a more efficient and widespread dissemination of its content.

But despite its efforts at rebranding, the Voice of Korea has faced criticism for its continued role as a mouthpiece for the North Korean government. Skeptics argue that the broadcasts maintain a one-sided narrative and lacking the diversity of opinions. The station’s content has been accused of perpetuating propaganda and suppressing dissenting voices.

The journey of Radio Pyongyang to the Voice of Korea encapsulates a dynamic narrative of a nation navigating the complexities of geopolitics, technology, and international relations. As we celebrate its history on this special occasion, we acknowledge the station’s role in shaping the identity and narrative of North Korea. The Voice of Korea stands as a testament to the resilience of broadcasting institutions in adapting to changing times while carrying forward the echoes of a nation’s story.